Ep. 35: Man, You Can’t Out Wonk Denny — Rep. Denny Heck (WA-10)

May 21, 2018

Congressman Denny Heck is a Greener, author, film-buff, and the representative of the 10th Congressional District. His top priorities are growing jobs, growing economy, and feeding the American Dream. He serves on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and has strong thoughts about housing policy.

5:00 What are the primary  concerns of your constituents?

10:00 What message do the national Democratic Party have for places like Elkhart, IN and Shelton, WA?

13:00 When we vote for a Republican we get a tax-hating, abortion restricting, deregulating, gun-loving conservative. What do we get when we vote Democrat?

16:00 A realistic view of what could or might happen after midterm elections…

17:00 How housing affordability and experiencing homelessness are influencing the country and economic turns.

23:00 Do you think there’s hope for an actual bipartisan infrastructure plan soon or in the long-term?

26:00 What does tribal sovereignty look like in 2018 and the future?

29:00 Regarding recent moves by the Trump Administration: is it odd to pull out of a negotiated deal with Iran on the eve of an impending negotiation with North Korea?

32:00 What do Republicans say to you (when no one else is listening) about say about the current state-of-affairs?

34:00 Opinions on reducing the role of Gerrymandering.

Listener Questions

35:00 What should happen between now and November to prevent foreign intervention in our elections?

38:00 Why is the disposition with the house? What’s up with David Nunez?

43:00 What’s the worst case scenario/long term trajectory with respect to the tax bill and the wealthy?

48:00 Where are we nationally on the issue of marijuana?

51:00 What’s your philosophy on engaging with constituents?

53:00 Thoughts on Net Neutrality? How do you think the FCC and the courts will handle it?

The 5 (ish)

  1. Greatest Movie Ever Made?
  2. If you weren’t a member of congress, what would you be doing?
  3. How do you pass the time on flights?
  4. What was your first book about?
  5. Is there a teacher out there you’d like to thank from your childhood?
  6. Do you have a favorite summer break memory?

Going Further

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