Ep. 34: We R Tacoma: Tacoma Rainiers and Sounders FC2 — Aaron Artman, President and Casey Catherwood, Ringmaster

May 7, 2018

Aaron Artman: President of Rainers and Sounders FC2

Casey Catherwood: Creative Director (Ringmaster) Rainers and Sounders FC2

Aaron is a tech and marketing dude who loves sports and has found a home in Tacoma. Casey is a musical journalist turned event planner, now Executive in Charge of Chicanery, Nonsense, and Tomfoolery for Sounders FC 2 and the Tacoma Rainiers

2:00:  How in the world did y’all end up here?

12:00: Cheney Stadium, sunsets, forming community, switching to the R logo, and working with great partners in Tacoma.

15:00: The science behind when people will go to soccer versus when they will go to baseball. Ownership? Contracts?  How does all this work? How much does it cost to transform the stadium?

23:00: Where are we getting new players? Are these kids really 15-20 years old?

28:00: The purpose of minor league team is to develop talent. The people that watch and come to wins would like to see wins. How do you navigate these two interests?

33:00: S2’s move to Tacoma happened faster than anyone expected. One of the reasons is that NASL (RIP) was involved in a lawsuit (it’s complicated). Cheney provides a higher capacity than Starfire. What are the opportunities you’re excited about exploring? 

35:00 What is your favorite ‘What the hell is Casey Doing?!” moment? and what’s up with the pineapples?

41:00 What is the proposed stadium location? There’s a rebrand coming! What should we do? [Warning: this is some deep South Sound soccer nerdery].

The 5

  1. What’s the best or your favorite live sporting event?
  2. Is there a soccer stadium you’re looking to for inspiration?
  3. Best athlete you ever saw in person?
  4. If you had to listen to one song on repeat, what would it be?
  5. What’s the best concession value that which people don’t take advantage?

Going Further

Nate’s Top World Stadiums ~5000 capacity

Tacoma Kraken

Video of Epic Sax Gorilla


Casey Catherwood

Sounders FC 2

Tacoma Rainers


Sounders FC 2

Tacoma Rainers

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