The Proud Boys are Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy — Brandi Buchman, Emptywheel — #192

May 15, 2023

After a nearly four month trial, last week leaders of the Proud Boys were convicted in federal court of seditious conspiracy. The Proud Boys are a right-wing paramilitary group that relishes street fights and violence against their political opponents.. They were instrumental in some of the most coordinated attacks on January 6. 

Reasonable countries like Canada and New Zealand have designated them as a terrorist organization. But they maintain a place on the fringe of the US right, yucking it up with elected officials and getting name-checked by the former President during a debate in 2020.

Our guest is Brandi Buchman. She’s a contributor at Emptywheel, a former senior staff writer Daily Kos and the former Chief White House & Congressional Correspondent for Courthouse News. She’s dope enough that the goons at Breitbart have written several pieces attacking her. She joined us to talk about the recently completed trial and what comes next in the string of trials of the organizers of the violence on January 6.

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