Educating Students (and adults) about Personal Finance – #124

April 5, 2021

For a lot of people conversations about personal finance are gauche and to be avoided. As a result, I regularly see people, including former students, lament not getting a meaningful education in personal financial matters: debt, credit, saving, retirement, etc. Some states require a course in financial literacy as a graduation requirement but Washington State is not among them. So I brought on two guests to talk about teaching both students and adults about personal finance.

This conversation features Dr. Abdullah Al Bahrani. He is the Director of the Center for Economics Education at Northern Kentucky University. He is joined by Brian Page. Brian is an award winning teacher and now serves as the Senior Director for Partnerships & Advocacy at Next Gen Personal Finance.

When in doubt, remember the advice of Marshawn Lynch: “Keep an eye on your mentals and your chicken.”

Going Further

Cast of Characters

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