Ep. 59: Nerd Farm Reads: “A Quick Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns”

March 12, 2019

The Cast:

Karter (they/them): Executive Director at Ingersoll Gender Center, Sounders fan

Cat (she/her): Show Contributor, Teacher

Kenny (he/him): Bookseller, Incredible Human


5:00 We know They/Them as a plural is commonplace. We’re getting over it.

10:00 Take into consideration what people want to be called.

15:00 Is this book spoon feeding? Do we need the graphics and caricatures?

25:00 Favorite passages, Making Mistakes, and The Hat of Ignorance

30:00 We all have a Gender Identity.

33:00 Lessons and Learns

39:00 Practicing turning off surprise mode. Fix your face.

44:00 Intersections, Trans populace, what work we should be doing and setting on the forefront.

“You should care that the average yearly income for black, trans women in the United States is $10 thousand dollars a year. You should care that her average lifespan is 35 years.”


The 5

  1. Kenny: What are you reading right now? Valerio Luiselly Lost Children Archive
  2. Cat: What are you listening to right now?
  3. Karter: Thoughts on the Sounder season.
  4. Thoughts on the Reign becoming Tacoma Reign and no longer the Seattle Reign.
  5. What is something everyone loves that you know is trash?

(Sidenote: Contributor Cat would like to change her answer to Seinfeld.)


Going Further

Ingersoll Gender Center

Pierce College

Lost Children Archive  by Valeria Luisella

Reign FC Soccer

Sounders FC

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