Ep. 44: On the Tacoma Teacher Strike — A Special Pop-the-Trunk Podcast

September 7, 2018

Tacoma teachers are currently at a labor impasse with the Tacoma School District. Because the school district has the home phone number and home email address for every family they serve, there’s an information asymmetry. They can give families whatever information they choose to share or withhold and frame events in any way they see fit. Teachers don’t get to tell their side of the story. So I decided to sit down with three local educators, right after they finished their first day on the picket-lines. They each shared why they voted to strike and why they find the most recent contract offers from the district unacceptable.

Our guests:

National Board Certified Teacher, Sara Ketelsen, Math

Interchangeable White Ladies show host, National Board Certified Teacher, Hope Teague-Bowling, English

Channel 253 contributor Cat Melaunie, a new kindergarten teacher 

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